HAMR Acquires Large Format Cold Spray AM Unit.
After a successful cold spray action team (CSAT) meeting where HAMR presented its vision to the community, The Company is excited to announce the acquisition of a large format WarpSPEE3D cold spray additive manufacturing (CSAM) unit from SPEE3D Inc. This piece of equipment will facilitate the transition of cold spray repair and AM technology to commercial and government partners by providing the capability to produce full-scale parts in a rapid and affordable manner. The WarpSPEE3D system has build volume of 1.0m Ø x 0.7m and build rates on the order of 10 kg/hr or1 L/hr, providing HAMR the capability to produce large format prints and quickly iterate designs and materials to facilitate a rapidly deployment to our customers.
Initial interests lie in utilizing this system for applications ranging from R&D to DoD sustainment and industrial implementation. CSAM provides a unique capability for generation of large, complex geometries, particularly in applications with functional grading of compositions and structures. Combined with our expertise in modeling and materials driven development, this will enable exploration of new and novel solutions not previously feasible. Industrial applications of cold spray are numerous, with cold spray overlays providing a uniquely suitable solution in many nuclear, manufacturing, chemical, and oil & gas applications where the low heat input, lack of melting, and controlled stresses are favorable. For sustainment, the WarpSPEE3D system enables true CAD-to-part printing in a matter of hours and where traditional manufacturing techniques would normally take several weeks, months, or longer. This is synergized by HAMR’s recent move to Neighborhood 91 and access to the Pittsburgh Airport. With first in-last out service and the WarpSPEE3D CSAM system, HAMR is positioned to feasibly produce, repair and ship parts to customers around the world in a matter of days.
With startup anticipated in Q4 FY22, the Team is excited to begin working towards scaling and transition of current technologies, and the new R&D opportunities that will be afforded by this equipment. As with all programs, HAMR is always interested in building new relationships. If you or your organization have an interest in exploring CSAM for your customers or end use application, please contact us!