HAMR Industries Attends REPTX 2024
This year, HAMR was invited to be a part of Repair Technology Exercise (REPTX) 2024 down in Norfolk Naval Shipyard. In partnership with NAVSEA 05T and NCMS, the Expeditionary Ship Assessment and Repair (ESAR) demonstration was held from January 30 to February 1.
At this exercise, we demonstrated CAD-to-part and the power of cold spray additive manufacturing (CSAM) by fabricating a valve body assembly (pair) in 316 L Stainless Steel using our WarpSPEE3D printer. Day 1 of the three day event was spent getting setup, calibrating the machine after travel from our Neighborhood 91 location, reverse-engineering the never-before-seen valve assembly we were presented, performing design for AM (DFAM) to ensure a successful print and post-process, and printing our first valve. On day 2, the team printed the second part of the assembly and followed up with heat treating of the set. Then, critical machining and pressure testing happened on the 3rd and final day.

This demonstrated CAD-to-part ‘qualification’ in a roughly 48 hour period and is demonstrative of the ability of AM to keep our warfighters and ships in the fight! Moreover, it was a great demonstration of CSAM by showing that we could print multiple iterations of the same valve during this short 3-day period, and still meet the deadline, further exemplifying the rapidity of this AM technique - fast production enables innovation through the ability to prototype.
We would like to sincerely thank SPEE3D for their support during this event. We would also like to thank NAVSEA 05T and NCMS for the opportunity to be a part of this effort to support our nations war fighters.